Rinequire ng prof ko. Sinulat ko. Pinost ko.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Tornado ahead

Lurking voice I could here at the moment, continuously repeating in my head, bull shit I would call it.
Why can't she keep her foul words for a while, or better place it inside a bottle and throw it off-shore?
Animal, I define it as grasp of intensifying words from nowhere.
Believe me, speaking about it, might tempt tigers and snake to get into you with oppressive appearance.
You are dear to her yet she is so timid to her feelings and stern to her actions.
Ouch I would say, upbraiding my mistakes means malignity to my mind and body.

It's always troublesome to communicate with you, especiallyat your hot tempered mode.
Acting like you can't surrender to the policemen after that grievous sin you've done.
Making people believe you are a countful saint and a merciful angel to everyone.
Oh cut it. Avoid riding our ass out. Keep your horse hidden and we'll keep ours.

I love you, that's the most I could say.

*I'm sorry but I can't keep this any longer. She abuses me mentally and emotionally, and I can't help but type and express the inner side. Oh. Just as nice as the grad gift I've expected. I love you, Mom.

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